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About Us


Angel Fire Resort Vacation Rentals is truly “The Official Lodging Company of Angel Fire Resort”. Located at the corner of Bill Burgess Boulevard (N. Angel Fire Rd.) and Mountain View Boulevard, we are part of the Resort and all the amenities and venues your families have enjoyed for over 50 years! As a company of the Resort, we represent member who have placed their homes and condos for vacation rentals through us. As part of the Resort, we have direct access to all the Resort information and activities, lift tickets, bike passes and rental, golf rounds and everything the Resort has to offer.


The AFRVR is a NM licensed Property Management Company and is located with our partner Angel Fire Real Estate & Land Co. which is a full service Real Estate Company owned and operated by Angel Fire Resort.


Our Team of Vacation Lodging specialists is dedicated to providing your family with the perfect fit for your vacation needs as well as connections to all that the Resort offers. The choice is simple; if you want to reserve a memorable family vacation at Angel Fire Resort, go to the folks who own and operate it!


Meet Our Team

We are proud to be a part of Angel Fire Resort with over 400 employees who make the Magic! Our department of Licensed property managers, Realtors and Vacation Lodging Specialists, Housekeepers and Maintenance Technicians are full-time, year-round members of the Angel Fire Resort Team!


Robin May

Robin is a 44 year resident of Angel Fire. A Canadian, Robin started his career with the Angel Fire Ski School in 1978, the same year he and his family started the first Property Management company in Angel Fire, Four Seasons Property Management. Four Seasons was sold in 1994. Robin has directed the Angel Fire Ski and Snowboard School for over 25 years. A 40 year member of the Professional Ski Instructors of America, Robin is the President of the Rocky Mountain Division and sits on the National Board of PSIA AASI. In 2021 Robin was inducted into the New Mexico Ski Hall of Fame.


Renita Eppler

Renita was born and raised in Norther New Mexico and has lived in Angel Fire for over 28 years. Renita has worked for Angel Fire Resort for 17 years. 5 years with Accounting, 5 years with Membership and 7 years with Property Management.


Meg Quinn

Vacation Specialist/ Associate Broker

mquinn@angelfireresort.com 575-377-6767

Raised in the Dallas area, Meg has had a family connection to Angel Fire since 1998 and has always enjoyed coming up to enjoy life in the mountains. She is excited to be working with the Vacation Rentals team, assisting our guests and property owners. When not in the office, Meg enjoys reading, writing, spending time with family, and exploring the great trails system around Angel Fire.

Own in Angel Fire

To discuss owning in Angel Fire Resort or listing your property, visit:

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